Tarot de Marseille Heritage
Tarot de Marseille Heritage
The Tarots of Marseilles
Aiming at protecting the traditional inheritance of the Tarot of Marseilles, this website presents exclusive facsimiles of the most beautiful historical Tarots of Marseilles, or said “of Marseilles”, by respecting the size and the back of origin. Some of these Tarots were made in the city of Marseilles. Some others, which were not produced in this city, but which compete in graphic and symbolic quality with the Tarots from Marseilles, are also presented. As for today, only the Tarot of Pierre Madenié, realized in Dijon in 1709, which constitutes the oldest Tarot said “ of Marseilles ” of its category, and the tarot of François Chosson, realized in Marseilles in 1736 and second oldest, are available on the sale. Some other decks will come very soon … Philippe VACHIER's 1639 tarot is my latest release: A unique rarity! The first known complete tarot made in Marseille. Yves Reynaud
28 Nov
20 Sep
19 Sep
18 Sep
17 Sep
17 Sep
12 Sep