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  • Made in Marseille

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Notre équipe


Yves Reynaud is a maritime inspector. Born in Montpelier (Hérault) in 1956, He lives in Marseille since 1982. Fascinated by esotericism since a long time, he's learnt the bases of Astrology and studied in depth numerology, as well as graphology. The symbolism and religious art, as well as the stained glasses are a part of his major centers of interest. The Tarot, and particularly the Tarot said “of Marseille”, interests him by its symbolic and aesthetic riches. Since 2004, he particularly concentrates on the historical Tarots which he collects with passion. Yves Reynaud also makes iconographic, genealogical and historic researches on the Tarot of Marseille, that of its master cardmakers, the city of Marseille and others. Realizing with Wilfried Houdouin the importance of the initiatory and cultural legacy of the Tarot of Marseille, as well as the rarity of the preserved copies, he decided to create Tarot of Marseille Heritage, and to produce facsimiles of the most beautiful historical Tarots. These decks, among which that of Pierre Madenié, realized in Dijon in 1709, was the first one, will constitute a new collection of historical Tarots of reference, republished with utmost respect for the characteristics of the original editions.


Wilfried Houdouin is a professional graphic designer. Born in Gouvieux (Oise, France) in 1971, he lives in Marseille since 2001. Fascinated by the Tarot since the age of fifteen, he acquired his first Tarot of Marseille at nineteen, and did not since stop studying it, practising and teaching it with a growing passion. He was formed in the graphic arts, in Paris at the end of 1980s, and obtained a stone-cutter's professional certificate in historic monuments restoration, in Angers 1992. He was formed in 1996 and 1997 in infography, and then became a professional computer graphic designer. His researches in philosophy, history, sacred geometry and cosmology, brought him to rediscover the original structure and nature of the Tarot of Marseille, actually constituting a symbological model of the Universe. These rediscoveries, associated with the mastery of the graphic softwares, allowed him to realize the Tarot of Marseille Millennium Edition, and to write The Sacred code of the Tarot, the first work of a series to come, dedicated to the metaphysical and symbolic tradition of the Tarot of Marseille. His works website is : www.tarot-de-marseille-millennium.com

Frequently asked questions

Do our facsimiles respect totally the original editions ?
The original copies were totally respected. So, the size of cards, their satiny aspect and their thickness, their square corners, the tone of colors and the back of cards were reproduced as before, and in the original scale. We also preserved the defects bound to the technique of the period, such as the variable density of the black, the smudges of colors and the “ ghosts ” tracks , resulting from trial printings realized on the back of the paper. The preservation of all these details, which is a part of the charm of the ancient decks, thus restores as much as possible the original copy, and so respects the initial work. Of course, our republications are not realized with the same techniques as in the period : printing of the features with moulds cut in the wood of pear tree, application of colors with brush and stencil, the smoothing of cards with the round stone, the sticking of cards first side and reverse on an étresse (the “ brunette ”), etc. However, the greatest care was brought to the realization of our facsimiles, from the graphic work to the final printing. Tarot of Marseille Heritage so proposes to the public some exclusive historic republications of Tarots of Marseille, constituting facsimiles for the first time entirely corresponding to the original copies, so realizing a unique collection, preserving this ancestral heritage, and making it accessible to all for our biggest pleasure.
Why are our facsimiles packed in an envelope?
     In the period, the decks were packed in a sheet of a normal paper, on which was printed the name of the master cardmaker, its coat of arms, its slogan, as well as the address of his workshop. According to his “ privileges ”, duly exchanged, the cardmaker declared himself “ cardmaker of the king ”, “ common cardmaker of Lord the Duke ”, etc. Our facsimiles are wrapped in the hand by our care, with a craft paper 80 gr/m2, without chlorine, not acid, made by craftsmen in Nepal, producing some paper according to the ancient traditional techniques.
Will other historic facsimiles of Tarot of Marseille be produced in the future ?
     Various partnership agreements were concluded with museums in France and abroad, as well as with particular collectors. The sales of the first realized Tarot, that of the Pierre Madenié, Dijon 1709, will allow to pursue this beautiful project of preservation of the inheritance which bequeathed us craftsmen master cardmakers. At least five inescapable Tarots are planned. Persuaded that beautiful tarots are preserved in private collections, we hope, eventually, to produce facsimiles of many other historic models as well. The next facsimile, that of the François Chosson, Marseille 1736, will be realized as soon as the seed money implemented for the republication of the Tarot of Pierre Madenié, Dijon 1709, will be paid off. Everything thus depends on you, collectors and other lovers of the Tarot ! Having the hope to produce a new deck every year, we invite you to subscribe to the Newsletter to be informed about the next publications.
Does tarot of Marseille Heritage possess ancient decks ?
    We have in our ownership six decks of the period, as well as a collection of more than 70 historic decks in high definition, belonging for the greater part to the category of the Tarot said " of Marseille ". We invite the private collectors to contact us, and possibly to participate in this beautiful project of preservation of the inheritance of the Tarot of Marseille.
What are the various classifications of the Tarot of Marseille ?
     The historic Tarots of Marseille are classified by the historians according to the categories “ Tarot of Marseille type I ” (TDM I) and “ Tarot of Marseille type II ” (TDM II). It is to this last one that corresponds the Tarot of Marseille Millennium Edition. The TDM II is a category among which the oldest model of decks known to which it corresponds date the XVIIIth century, while the oldest models known for the TDM I date the XVth century. However this classification could indeed evolve according to the current researches and the future discoveries of tarot decks at the moment unknown and thus not classified.
     To know about the rediscovery of the original nature of the Tarot of Marseille, inquiring minds are invited to discover the theories of Wilfried Houdouin on his website : www.tarot-de-marseille-millennium.com.